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October 2018

Monday, 29 October 2018 00:00

Treatment Options For Bunion

The medical condition known as hallux valgus is commonly referred to as a bunion. It typically occurs as a result of a misalignment in the joint of the big toe, and may cause pain and discomfort. It appears as a large bony protrusion on the side of the big toe and may be difficult to wear specific shoes. If you have a bunion, you most likely may notice tenderness and swelling around the affected joint, in addition to possible joint pain arising from the development of arthritis. This may develop at a faster rate if the bunion is not treated promptly. Some of the reasons why bunions could form may include having an abnormal foot structure such as flat feet, an inherited genetic trait, or extremely flexible ligaments and tendons. Research has shown there are different treatment techniques, which may provide moderate relief. This includes wearing shoes that fit correctly, performing gentle exercises, or wearing insoles in the shoes. It’s important to consult with a podiatrist who can determine the best treatment option for you.

If you are suffering from bunions, contact Dr. Robert Hope of Riverside Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Is a Bunion?

A bunion is formed of swollen tissue or an enlargement of boney growth, usually located at the base joint of the toe that connects to the foot. The swelling occurs due to the bones in the big toe shifting inward, which impacts the other toes of the foot. This causes the area around the base of the big toe to become inflamed and painful.

Why Do Bunions Form?

Genetics – Susceptibility to bunions are often hereditary

Stress on the feet – Poorly fitted and uncomfortable footwear that places stress on feet, such as heels, can worsen existing bunions

How Are Bunions Diagnosed?

Doctors often perform two tests – blood tests and x-rays – when trying to diagnose bunions, especially in the early stages of development. Blood tests help determine if the foot pain is being caused by something else, such as arthritis, while x-rays provide a clear picture of your bone structure to your doctor.

How Are Bunions Treated?

  • Refrain from wearing heels or similar shoes that cause discomfort
  • Select wider shoes that can provide more comfort and reduce pain
  • Anti-inflammatory and pain management drugs
  • Orthotics or foot inserts
  • Surgery

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Tuscaloosa, and Fayette, AL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Bunions
Monday, 15 October 2018 00:00

Possible Causes of Poor Circulation

For people who have poor circulation, experiencing “pins and needles” and tingling are common sensations. It is not considered to be a disease, and research has shown it may be indicative of serious illnesses including heart conditions, or PAD, which is known as peripheral artery disease. When the blood circulates properly throughout the body, oxygen and essential nutrients flow easily to the organs. Poor circulation hinders the ability for this to occur. There are several symptoms that are associated with this condition, including cold feet, cramps in the muscles, lack of energy, or throbbing. History has shown that poor health habits may contribute to the onset of this ailment. These may include smoking, eating poorly, or being sedentary for long periods at a time. If you feel you have poor circulation, it’s suggested to speak with a podiatrist for possible treatment options. These may include wearing compression socks, taking prescription medicine, or surgery.

While poor circulation itself isn’t a condition; it is a symptom of another underlying health condition you may have. If you have any concerns with poor circulation in your feet contact Dr. Robert Hope of Riverside Podiatry. Our doctor will treat your foot needs.

Poor Circulation in the Feet

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) can potentially lead to poor circulation in the lower extremities. PAD is a condition that causes the blood vessels and arteries to narrow. In a linked condition called atherosclerosis, the arteries stiffen up due to a buildup of plaque in the arteries and blood vessels. These two conditions can cause a decrease in the amount of blood that flows to your extremities, therefore resulting in pain.


Some of the most common symptoms of poor circulation are:

  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Throbbing or stinging pain in limbs
  • Pain
  • Muscle Cramps

Treatment for poor circulation often depends on the underlying condition that causes it. Methods for treatment may include insulin for diabetes, special exercise programs, surgery for varicose veins, or compression socks for swollen legs.

As always, see a podiatrist as he or she will assist in finding a regimen that suits you. A podiatrist can also prescribe you any needed medication. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Tuscaloosa, and Fayette, AL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Causes Symptoms and Treatment for Poor Circulation in the Feet
Monday, 08 October 2018 00:00

Are Plantar Warts Painful?

The majority of warts can be unsightly and painful, and a plantar wart is no exception. This type of wart develops on the heel of the foot and will grow inward as a result of the pressure the feet endures on a daily basis. It is known to be caused by the human papillomavirus, which is also referred to as HPV, and may be more prevalent in children and people who have compromised immune systems. This contagious virus can be transmitted by direct contact with a person who may carry the germ or from an object that may have been contaminated. Some of the symptoms that might be associated with plantar warts may include a small area that may be rough in texture on the heel of the foot. Additionally, there may be tiny black dots in the center of the wart, and you may experience pain while walking or standing. If you are afflicted with plantar warts, it’s suggested to speak with a podiatrist who can offer correct treatment options that may include removal of the wart.

Plantar warts can be very uncomfortable. If you need your feet checked, contact Dr. Robert Hope from Riverside Podiatry. Our doctor will assist you with all of your foot needs.

About Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are the result of HPV, or human papillomavirus, getting into open wounds on the feet. They are mostly found on the heels or balls of the feet.

While plantar warts are generally harmless, those experiencing excessive pain or those suffering from diabetes or a compromised immune system require immediate medical care. Plantar warts are easily diagnosed, usually through scraping off a bit of rough skin or by getting a biopsy.


  • Lesions on the bottom of your feet, usually rough and grainy
  • Hard or thick callused spots
  • Wart seeds, which are small clotted blood vessels that look like little black spots
  • Pain, discomfort, or tenderness of your feet when walking or standing


  • Freezing
  • Electric tool removal
  • Laser Treatment
  • Topical Creams (prescription only)
  • Over-the-counter medications

To help prevent developing plantar warts, avoid walking barefoot over abrasive surfaces that can cause cuts or wounds for HPV to get into. Avoiding direct contact with other warts, as well as not picking or rubbing existing warts, can help prevent the further spread of plantar warts. However, if you think you have developed plantar warts, speak to your podiatrist. He or she can diagnose the warts on your feet and recommend the appropriate treatment options.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Tuscaloosa, and Fayette, AL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot needs.

Read more about Plantar Warts
Monday, 01 October 2018 00:00

Common Reasons for Blisters to Form

Many people are aware of the discomfort that is typically associated with blisters on the feet. A blister affects the skin on the feet, and the body’s natural response to injured skin will often result in forming a bubble of fluid over the affected area. This will protect the skin from additional damage or infection that may occur. The most common reason for blisters to develop may be wearing shoes that do not fit properly and this may cause friction as the shoes rub against the skin. Additionally, blisters may develop if you are exposed to extremely cold temperatures, which may cause frostbite to occur. Blisters may also form as a result of a harsh sunburn, or an allergic reaction to an insect bite. Treatment may generally include using a gauze covering for protection, while wearing shoes, followed by fresh air exposure when the shoes are removed, which may accelerate the healing process. It is suggested to seek the counsel of a podiatrist to learn about additional treatment options for blisters.

Blisters may appear as a single bubble or in a cluster. They can cause a lot of pain and may be filled with pus, blood, or watery serum. If your feet are hurting, contact Dr. Robert Hope of Riverside Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Foot Blisters

Foot blisters are often the result of friction. This happens due to the constant rubbing from shoes, which can lead to pain.

What Are Foot Blisters?

A foot blister is a small fluid-filled pocket that forms on the upper-most layer of the skin. Blisters are filled with clear fluid and can lead to blood drainage or pus if the area becomes infected.


(Blister symptoms may vary depending on what is causing them)

  • Bubble of skin filled with fluid
  • Redness
  • Moderate to severe pain
  • Itching

Prevention & Treatment

In order to prevent blisters, you should be sure to wear comfortable shoes with socks that cushion your feet and absorb sweat. Breaking a blister open may increase your chances of developing an infection. However, if your blister breaks, you should wash the area with soap and water immediately and then apply a bandage to the affected area. If your blisters cause severe pain it is important that you call your podiatrist right away.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Tuscaloosa, and Fayette, AL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Blisters
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