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April 2019

Patients who experience nighttime foot cramps are aware of the pain and discomfort these may cause. When stretching techniques are performed, the muscles contract to hold the stretch, and cramps may occur if they remain in this position. Relief is found when the specific stretch is avoided for several days, and this will give the muscles a chance to properly heal. If it is possible to point and flex the foot, it may help the foot to feel better. Many patients find comfort in gently massaging the area or soaking the foot in warm water. If you have cramps in your feet at night, it is suggested to consult with a podiatrist who can recommend proper stretching techniques.

Stretching the feet is a great way to prevent injuries. If you have any concerns with your feet consult with Dr. Robert Hope from Riverside Podiatry. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot treatment.

Stretching the Feet

Stretching the muscles in the foot is an important part in any physical activity. Feet that are tight can lead to less flexibility and make you more prone to injury. One of the most common forms of foot pain, plantar fasciitis, can be stretched out to help ease the pain. Stretching can not only ease pain from plantar fasciitis but also prevent it as well. However, it is important to see a podiatrist first if stretching is right for you. Podiatrists can also recommend other ways to stretch your feet. Once you know whether stretching is right for you, here are some excellent stretches you can do.

  • Using a foam roller or any cylindrical object (a water bottle or soda can will do), roll the object under your foot back and forth. You should also exert pressure on the object. Be sure to do this to both feet for a minute. Do this exercise three times each.
  • Similar to the previous one, take a ball, such as a tennis ball, and roll it under your foot while seated and exert pressure on it.
  • Grab a resistance band or towel and take a seat. If you are using a towel, fold it length wise. Next put either one between the ball of your foot and heel and pull with both hands on each side towards you. Hold this for 15 seconds and then switch feet. Do this three times for each foot.
  • Finally hold your big toe while crossing one leg over the other. Pull the toe towards you and hold for 15 seconds. Once again do this three times per foot.

It is best to go easy when first stretching your foot and work your way up. If your foot starts hurting, stop exercising and ice and rest the foot. It is advised to then see a podiatrist for help.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Tuscaloosa, and Fayette, AL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about How to Stretch Your Feet
Friday, 26 April 2019 00:00

Reminder: When Was the Last Time...?

Custom orthotics, or shoe inserts, should be periodically replaced. Orthotics must fit properly to give you the best results. Protect your feet!

Tuesday, 23 April 2019 00:00

Soccer Players And Blisters

Many soccer players will develop blisters at some point while participating in their chosen sport.  They typically form on the bottom of the foot or on the back of the heel. This is a result of consistent friction that comes from shoes that do not fit correctly. They are often painful, and a player’s natural instinct to avoid discomfort causes the gait to change. This is likely to increase the risk of an or knee injury, and overall playing performance may be impacted as a result of the pain that is caused by a blister. Research has shown the first sign of a blister is a “hot spot”, which is a tender and warm portion of the skin where the friction has occurred. Keeping the affected area covered and dry is important while taking part in soccer events. Additionally, it is helpful to wear athletic socks that are made of synthetic material. There are methods that can be implemented, which may help to prevent blisters from developing. These include measuring your foot, which determines the correct shoe size, and purchasing shoes at the end of the day when the feet are at their largest. If you have a blister and would like additional information about the treatment and prevention of this ailment, it is suggested that you consult with a podiatrist.

Blisters may appear as a single bubble or in a cluster. They can cause a lot of pain and may be filled with pus, blood, or watery serum. If your feet are hurting, contact Dr. Robert Hope of Riverside Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Foot Blisters

Foot blisters are often the result of friction. This happens due to the constant rubbing from shoes, which can lead to pain.

What Are Foot Blisters?

A foot blister is a small fluid-filled pocket that forms on the upper-most layer of the skin. Blisters are filled with clear fluid and can lead to blood drainage or pus if the area becomes infected.


(Blister symptoms may vary depending on what is causing them)

  • Bubble of skin filled with fluid
  • Redness
  • Moderate to severe pain
  • Itching

Prevention & Treatment

In order to prevent blisters, you should be sure to wear comfortable shoes with socks that cushion your feet and absorb sweat. Breaking a blister open may increase your chances of developing an infection. However, if your blister breaks, you should wash the area with soap and water immediately and then apply a bandage to the affected area. If your blisters cause severe pain it is important that you call your podiatrist right away.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Tuscaloosa, and Fayette, AL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Blisters on the Feet
Monday, 15 April 2019 00:00

Do I Have Flat Feet?

The condition known as flat feet occurs when the arch is absent from the foot. This may happen as a result of the aging process, which can cause the arches to drop, in addition to genetic factors. The symptoms that are associated with flat feet may include pain in the heel and other areas of the foot, numbness, or weakness. If your foot lies flat on the ground while standing, this is generally indicative of flat feet. Luckily, there may be measures that can be implemented to obtain relief. These may include performing stretches to help improve flexibility, wearing custom-made orthotics, or wearing shoes that provide adequate support. If you think you have flat feet, be sure to schedule a consultation with a podiatrist, so they can properly treat this condition.

Flatfoot is a condition many people suffer from. If you have flat feet, contact Dr. Robert Hope from Riverside Podiatry. Our doctor will treat your foot needs.

What Are Flat Feet?

Flatfoot is a condition in which the arch of the foot is depressed and the sole of the foot is almost completely in contact with the ground. About 20-30% of the population generally has flat feet because their arches never formed during growth.

Conditions & Problems:

Having flat feet makes it difficult to run or walk because of the stress placed on the s.

Alignment – The general alignment of your legs can be disrupted, because the s move inward which can cause major discomfort.

Knees – If you have complications with your knees, flat feet can be a contributor to arthritis in that area.  


  • Pain around the heel or arch area
  • Trouble standing on the tip toe
  • Swelling around the inside of the
  • Flat look to one or both feet
  • Having your shoes feel uneven when worn


If you are experiencing pain and stress on the foot you may weaken the posterior tibial tendon, which runs around the inside of the . 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Tuscaloosa, and Fayette, AL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot needs.

Read more about Flatfoot

It is known that the feet are the foundation of the body. Many people tend to ignore their feet until some type of pain is felt. Research has indicated that when frequent foot care is practiced, the feet and overall health of the body may be positively affected. This type of care may include washing and drying the feet daily, which may help to prevent unpleasant foot odor, or athlete’s foot. The feet will feel good after a moisturizer is applied, and this may prevent cracked heels from developing. Additionally, it is helpful to wear shoes that have adequate room for the toes to move freely in. Flip flops do not provide stability and proper arch support for the foot, and it is suggested to limit wearing these types of shoes. If you would like additional information about how to care for your feet daily, it is suggested that you consult with a podiatrist.

Everyday foot care is very important to prevent infection and other foot ailments. If you need your feet checked, contact Dr. Robert Hope from Riverside Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Everyday Foot Care

Often, people take care of their bodies, face and hair more so than they do for their feet. But the feet are a very important aspect of our bodies, and one that we should pay more attention to. Without our feet, we would not be able to perform most daily tasks.

It is best to check your feet regularly to make sure there are no new bruises or cuts that you may not have noticed before. For dry feet, moisturizer can easily be a remedy and can be applied as often as necessary to the affected areas. Wearing shoes that fit well can also help you maintain good foot health, as well as making it easier to walk and do daily activities without the stress or pain of ill-fitting shoes, high heels, or even flip flops. Wearing clean socks with closed shoes is important to ensure that sweat and bacteria do not accumulate within the shoe. Clean socks help to prevent Athlete’s foot, fungi problems, bad odors, and can absorb sweat.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Tuscaloosa, and Fayette, AL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot needs.

Read more about Every Day Foot Care

Many elderly people may experience foot problems as a result of a loss of cushioning in the feet and poor circulation. An effective way to protect the feet may be to wear shoes that fit correctly. Additionally, if standing is done for the majority of the day, the feet may feel better if gentle stretches are performed. Many patients develop athlete’s foot, which is a common fungus that attacks the bottom of the feet and between the toes. This may be prevented if the feet are washed and dried thoroughly each day, followed by wearing clean socks and shoes. It is common for seniors to have dry skin, and a symptom of this may be an itchy or burning sensation. Prevention of this may include using a moisturizer on the feet after a shower or bath is taken. If you would like additional information about how to properly care for elderly feet, please feel free to speak to a podiatrist.

If you need your feet checked, contact Dr. Robert Hope of Riverside Podiatry. Our doctor will attend to all of your foot needs and provide you with quality treatment.

Geriatrics and Podiatry
When people age, some common issues that may occur are bone density loss, dry skin, poor circulation, and rough brittle nails. These issues may also affect your foot health if the necessary steps are not taken to alleviate the problems.

It is important to take care of your feet because feet that are injured or diseased can affect your overall health. Having painful feet hinders your ability to do daily activities or may decrease your willingness to do the things that you need to do.

Visiting Your Geriatrician
As we age, health problems become more likely, so it is essential to visit your doctor for check-ups to ensure that you are doing the best you can to take care of your health. It is recommended to check your feet frequently for any possible cuts, bruises, swelling, corns or any other irregularities. 

Taking Care of Elderly Feet
Cracked or dry feet can be treated by applying moisturizer often. It is also important not to wear old socks because the older the sock is, the higher the possibility there will be that there is bacteria there. Wear fresh socks and make sure they fit properly.

Proper foot health means that you can have a more active lifestyle and you will not be bogged down by pain. Foot health also leads to good circulation, which is paramount for overall health.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Tuscaloosa, and Fayette, AL . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot needs.

Read more about Geriatrics and Podiatry
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